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Posted on Monday, June 16, 2003 - 08:53 pm:   

I recently had two pateints that have dental issues. One wants to remove all her filled teeth before doing chemo. at her doctors insistance (Claims to be alternative)And the other (non cancer related) with a very low Immune system. Her holistic dentist wants to remove the teeth and scrape down to her bone. He dosn't believe in crowns or root canels just removal and scraping any infected jawbone. This is how he deals with abcesses. This is new to me. Have you heard of this procedure?
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Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 - 10:23 am:   

No, I haven't and I strongly suggest you call Dr. Judd at 623-486-2988 to rectify the problem. He will recommend mostly the following and I've found his remedy works immediately.
Brush your teeth with bar soap and rinse with grain alcohol. Use water to rinse out the mouth after each eating. This protocol not only cleans the teeth but also kills off all bacteria, clears up abscesses, and protects the enamel. I used Vodka and found it immediately stop further pain in two abscesses. The cause of all cavities is not bacteria but removable of the enamel allowing the bacteria to enter causing inflammation in the gums and one method to remove the enamel is by scraping by your favorite dentist. Amalgam fillings also need to be removed and no root canals. To rebuild the gums, again almost immediately is to take one teaspoon of ascorbic acid mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water holding it in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing.
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Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2003 - 12:25 pm:   

That makes absolute sense. I'm going to try that myself. I will pass that on to my patient. With her system being so low she could really get an awfull infection. Is doctor Judd an alternative dentist?
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Posted on Friday, June 20, 2003 - 07:18 pm:   

He lists himself as Dr. Gerard D. Judd, Ph.D., Chemistry.
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Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2003 - 12:06 pm:   

I'm stepping in here as I used to work with a lot of holistic dentists. The prevailing opinion is that 98% of deaths are caused by faulty dental work. They make a good case for this, but, of course, the nutritionists will say that 68% of deaths are caused by bad diet.

Let's start at the beginning here. We know that mercury amalgam fillings are bad, but the other side of this is that while they are not good for anyone, not everyone is equally sensitive to them. Where there are serious neurological conditions, removal is highly recommended.

Where cancer is concerned, I waffle a little more because I am so familiar with people who had the mercury replaced by composites. Many died within days or weeks of this procedure, not because of the mercury vapor but, I suspect, because of the estrogenic effects of the plastics in the composites and perhaps also because of the carcinogenic effects of the anesthesia.

Most holistic dentists are recommending noble metals as replacements for amalgams. I personally don't like these either. I am strongly recommending that people investigate something called Cerec. One holistic dentist agrees totally with me.

Basically, the procedure for Cerecs is the same as other types of environmental dentistry in terms of the methods used for amalgam removal, i.e., rubber dams, careful selection of biocaompatible anesthesia, and proper suction and ventilation. Then, a fairly awkward camera with three lenses is placed into the prepared tooth and photographs are taken that are triangulated so as to produce a three dimensional effect. The dentist then designs a restoration on a computer monitor and this is very much an art form where skills vary tremendously. A ceramic block is then placed into a machine that mills the restoration exactly as designed. The block has a tiny metal post that the dentist drills off. The restoration may be really tiny, like an inlay near the gum, or it could replace an entire crown. Milling takes 3-15 minutes depending on the size of the restoration. They fit perfectly and are biologically inert, meaning that unlike porcelain restorations, they can be in contact with the gums. They are also "quiet" in that they are not reactive with temperature and metals. They are very strong, stronger than teeth so they reinforce weak teeth. I am certain they are not perfect, but I have not found anything better. They are priced about the same as porcelain restorations but they are created in a single office visit. Unfortunately, they require a bonding agent and some of these are so bad that very sensitive patients have sometimes opted not to fill decayed teeth. I will phone my dentist to find out what the name is of the least malevolent of these bonding agents is. The bonding agent can be a hormonal disruptor equivalent to more than the total amount of hormones a patient produces in a lifetime. I am really distressed by the ignorance surrounding these risks.

There is an equal amount of ignorance surrounding mercury and composites and even more where root canals and extractions are concerned. Even the best trained holistic dentists will insist that there is not enough circulation to infected areas to permit natural healing. Meanwhile, there is "leakage" from these septic pockets into the bloodstream. The immune system is too burdened by infection to address cancer so the time bomb is sitting there waiting to trigger a heart attack . . . and the cancer is unchecked because if the strain on the immune system.

I know holistic practitioners who have dealt successfully with dental infections, but I don't know dentists who will take the time to teach people what they might be able to do to save their teeth. I can't tell you how many patients have told me that they were going to have all their teeth pulled. I know some who are alive today because they had this procedure, but I don't know that this is the only way.

I will put together some additional protocols for the mouth and post them, but I wanted to mention Cerecs because, while expensive, I think they are the best option out there.
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Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 03:12 am:   

There are two other methods of caring for ones teeth, both maintenance wise and replacement.
1) Ozone treatment now being done in England and slowly being brought into Canada and the states is one way. Ozone treatment is performed by subjecting the teeth to ozone under pressure killing the bacteria that has gotten past the enamel. Getting rid of amalgam fillings and root canals, you will first have to educate dentists for quite a few are still doing this and from what I've experienced they feel quite comfortable with the procedure. as for myself, I had them pulled out as well as any root canals already there.
2) This method I've just been made aware of and that is protect the enamel by using bar soap and water for cleaning, grain alcohol to kill off any bacteria found in carries (abscesses), and ascorbic acid mixed with baking soda at one teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon to rebuild the gums and allow the teeth to regrow.
I've been doing the second method fostered by Dr. Gerald Judd, and for the first time I've been able to get rid of abscesses in two teeth without pain allowing the break in the teeth to remain open at the gum line. My gums are healing as well as growing, and my teeth are the whitest I've ever seen. I use Vodka for the alcohol, and try to remember in addition, to rinse my mouth out with water after each meal keeping them clean of any substance that might eat away the enamel.
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Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 11:49 am:   

Oh, I'm frustrated. I wrote something and it vanished.

My concern is with the ascorbic acid since I would not think it is good for the enamel.

I want to tell a story first and then comment.

A rich person asked me to consult on an herbal project and I was his guest for a few days. What I saw from behind the scenes was a barrage of people hustling him for investment funds (or donations) and a cell phone that never stopped ringing.

One of the inventors had a variation of an electronic diagnostic system that was similar to countless other ones with which I was familiar except that it seemed to have more software and interfaces to more modalities, making it suitable for use by people with many different approaches to healing.

Anyway, no plans had been made for this presentation and no space for all the peripherals had been prepared . . . so four trays of homeopathic remedies were put on the floor in front of my feet. With years of travel and overhearing salesmen on airplanes and in hotel lobbies, I was long used to tuning out people who think that if they talk louder, you'll listen better. My attention was kind of in and out of the circle and then it just fell into one of the trays and chose something it really wanted. About 20-30 minutes later, the excruciating pain of an abscess attentuated and then, boom, a flood of pus came out. The pain was gone and for years, every time it returned, I just visualized where I had been sitting and the tray of remedies, and it lanced again.

Dentists have, of course, asked which remedy I took. I haven't a clue. I never touched any of them. My consciousness simply chose something it selected and the whole matter was handled vibrationally, without any physical anything.

This said, the condition has never resolved 100%, but I can keep it close to 98%. I have long made my own toothpowder and paste. When lazy, I use a base of Dr. Christopher's powder with some Ecodent and Mezo Trace Minerals. The teeth will remineralize. I make my own mouth washes also but have not tried anything with bar soap and vodka! I use myrrh, propolis, wild oregano oil, cinnamon, lavender, and sometimes other essential oils. Sometimes, I put the oils on my glands. It keeps things under control.

For vitamin C, I use Chyawanprash. It resolves problems with receding gums very easily and quickly. Lately, I have come upon a source of Mongolian goji berries that are very fine quality.

I'm glad we are sharing tricks of the trade.

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