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Posted on Monday, May 12, 2003 - 12:26 am:   

My Name is Mr.Tracy Jones, CHT. I have a small practice located in North Eastern Washington, close to the Canadian border. I am certified and licensed for hypnotherapy on five levels: Directive Hypnotherapy, Non-Directive Regression Hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression-Groups, Spirit Clearing, and Remote Depossession. I've had very good success with the last four levels in treating all fields of illness. The first level I don't use because I don't find it of any use for it does not get at the cause of one's problem. I am not a doctor nor do I care to be one.

When it comes to helping people, I find it's extremely important to not only rebuild their immune system using herbs, wholesome foods, diet, etc.,but also help to correct any physical imbalance they may currently have. I've been asked to share some of my experiences with you.

I've been helping people for the last eight years since I helped my sister control her AIDs brought on by a few pints of contaminated blood during a breast reduction surgery in 82. She's doing very good since I helped her in 95 at which time she had been given 3 months to live. She gave me 21 days to do this and of course I did it.

I later published a piece in Borderlands Magazine describing what I did and since then others with different problems ask me to help them. Not being a medical doctor, I call these people volunteers and set up a similar very intensive 24 hour 21 day hands on protocol.

So long as they followed the protocol and follow up, which sometimes amounted to 10 different modalities, they all recovered and remain in good health. This includes all forms of cancer, AIDs, respiratory diseases, and most anything the doctors couldn't figure out which includes a few weird ones.

I experiment quite a bit on myself to find out how true some remedies are and how they work. The one that I like the most is Raber's black salve for it gives fast results both internally and topically, is easy to administer and one can restore the skin back to normal in less then two weeks using another simple remedy. Another remedy I like is what I've come to call the purge, a takeoff of Christopher and Kloss's lobelia remedy for respiratory illnesses including asthma and pneumonia, both easily taken care of in less then 3 days for asthma and overnight for pneumonia. There are many others but for now I will give you my protocol for these two.

Should a person have cancer that can't be treated topically with the black salve and does not have brain cancer, I have them take 1/2 half size of a dried pea in a capsule every 4 hours for 16 hours daily. After a few days, the dead cancer cells are ready to be eliminated. I've found the fastest and easiest way to do this is through the skin by the use of a poultice. Based on Christopher's castor oil and comfrey poultice, I changed it slightly by adding another ingredient mentioned in Sandoval's book, Homegrown Healing, page 134, Marijuana. First I make up a tincture by filling the jar completely with leaves and stems and then top it off with vodka and distilled water, 50% each.
After letting it sit for two weeks I then strain it into a qt. jar. At the same time I do the same with comfrey.

When the tinctures are ready I then take a sanitary napkin and immerse it in both taking extra care to squeeze out the excess but not disturb the cotton. Castor oil is then spread on the napkin and it is applied to the affected area held in place with an Ace bandage. It's important to refresh the napkin when it dries or replace it with a new one. Usually after a week small blisters will form on the skin and remain there for a few days. Once they are gone, the cancer is also usually gone.

I have one volunteer who did this for his bone and pelvic cancer which the doctors had given up on before they even started, saying it had spread too much to do anything. After the blisters had healed he had an MRI showing many small holes in his chest bones. The doctors were mystified and still are for he promised me he wouldn't tell them what he had done. A later MRI showed the bones had healed and there was and has not been any more cancer to be found. This was almost two years ago.
There have been others with the same results and one in particular with intestinal cancer. When the dead cells started coming through his skin, it outlined his entire intestinal track. He also said the poultice helped with the pain he was experiencing with the cancer. Another with rectal cancer saw the tumor come out in seven days and this was without the poultice but using boluses instead.

The purge is as follows: Following a six hour fast,drink two cups of peppermint tea slowly. Then every ten minutes for four hours drink 3/4 cup of distilled water mixed with 4 dropperfuls of lobelia extract and 1/8th to 1/4 teaspoon of ground mustard seed powder.

After a few cups, you will want to vomit. It's important you use your finger down your throat to bring up the phlegm and keep doing this until you don't bring up any more for that session and each session following. You can tell in what state you are in by the color ranging from white (mild) to red or dark, sometimes black spots mixed in dirty gray mucus. This indicates pneumonia in it's last stage. At the end of each vomit session, drink a little of the peppermint tea. Should the person experience the same symptoms next day, do it again.

The results some have had with this are quite extraordinary. One volunteer had sports induced asthma for 31 years. He couldn't sleep at night, would fall asleep during a conversation and was constantly exhausted with very little strength at the age of 49. After the third day with only three sessions, he was able to walk for the first time in many years over two miles up and down hills without wheezing or shortness of breath. Has been doing the same since after three months.

Another with pneumonia vomited up gray to black spotted phlegm for four hours and by the next morning after a good nights sleep had no further symptoms allowing her to work as usual. This was after being bedridden for three days.

I trust these will help some of you treating others. Nice thing about these modalities, I've yet to see any adverse side effects.

There are many more other modalities, but this post is quite long so will sign off for now.
Love to All,
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Posted on Monday, May 12, 2003 - 01:46 am:   

The only timee I have heard more extraordinary accounts was from a kahuna in Hawaii!

These are noteworthy!

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